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Thursday 5 March 2009

Big cook, little cook

Found a lovely mini rolling pin and wooden spoon in Kitchen Capers the other week that I just had to buy for my son. We have been spending a lot of time cooking together recently (was a great way to keep him occupied without me having to move around a lot whilst heavily pregnant) and he really loves it. Having bought the utensils I decided to make him a pinny to go with as his other one is permanently splattered with paint so not really suitable for cooking with. Found a cheap remnant of fabric at John Lewis to form the base of the pinny then made the pocket from a piece of Japanese fabric that I've had for ages, but haven't been able to work out what to do with. I'm quite pleased with the result. Unfortunately (as you can see from the picture) the little man wasn't too keen on modelling the finished article for me, but he was happy to wear it while we made orange and chocolate chip biscuits.

1 comment:

AMIT said...

The small baby picture is so cute one.Thanks for posting it.

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