Mwahhhaaah! Happy Halloween to all you spooks out there. Yet again it's been a while since I posted, but at least I have been making something. If I'd had my thinking cap on I'd have taken some photos as I was doing it, but this Halloween mask is really sooo simple to make it I think you can do without them. First take a rectangle of grey felt long enough and wide enough to fit round your eyes (you could measure this, but really you'll get a good enough result by guesstimating). Then take a square of medium weight iron on interfacing the same size as the felt and iron it on to the back. Next iron on some bondaweb onto the front followed by the spiderweb lace (cover with a tea towel when ironing this on). Then you just need to draw your mask shape on to the back of the interfacing and cut out (you may want to practice and make up a paper template first). To get the right positioning for the eyes I put my glasses down on the back of the mask and marked round them. If you don't wear glasses then you could try holding on to your face the wrong way round (interfacing outwards) and marking the points for the outer corners of your eyes that way. It's a good idea to cut one eye first then fold the mask in half and draw round the cut out for the second eye to ensure that they're positioned symmetrically. Now you just need to sew on some elastic (measure it round your head from one side of the mask to the other and remember to make it a little shorter so it isn't loose). Here's how the finished mask looks without spookyvision:
Looking back to my halloween photos from last year shows just what a difference a year makes. Two have grown and one (me) has shrunk. I don't know why I haven't got round to blogging about it, but since March this year I've been doing weight watchers and finally reached my goal weight last Tuesday having lost 2st 11.5 lb - quite a chunk of me really. If you're struggling to visualise just how much that is (and I can never quite get my head round it) it's basically as much as the young skeleton in this years picture - don't think I'd fancy carrying round one of him all day now, but I was!